
The wacky musing and happenings in the world of Meredith 'Dusty' ' Mezzle' Lamb. Yeeehhaaaaa! Strap yourself in! It's going to be a rollercoaster of love!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

To Verity, and many more...

Well everyone, the unthinkable has happened. I forgot a very special lady's very special day and I feel just awful. Let me just put things into a little perspective here (while at the same time leaving myself open to endless torment and abuse). I also forgot one Rachel Lgertwood's birthday. I'm so sorry. Also my darling Laura. Sorry, May, I know, I know. I came very close to forgetting my own sister's birthday (just got in there in time). I still haven't actually got my dad a present for his birthday in April (it's coming, I swear). I have thus far failed on atleast five separate occassions as a daughter, a sister and a friend. So fear not, to use a tired old phrase: It's not you, it's me. I'm so sorry if I have hurt anyone's feelings with my inconsistent, erratic and downright abomnible actions (or lack thereof) and I apologise in advance for any future wrongdoings in this area. I suck, and I'm sorry. Please feel free to hold it against me in the future and to repay me in kind for my transgressions. I love you all.


At 7:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chill out man! It's all good! You're very busy and are too occupied with hanging out (so to speak) with your boy and allegedly doing push ups from the looks of your photo!

But maybe I'm just being so congenial because you actually REMEMBERED my birthday...Hmmm, tricky.

Love Pipi

At 7:17 PM, Blogger Heather Anders said...

I guess this is not hte time to mention that Mez remembered my birthday and managed to have a present arrive for me in London ON the actual day...

Cos that would be gloating, and no-one likes a gloater.

I managed to remember Vee's birthday (this year - last year I think I remembered it sometime in November) although did it with an email that had lots of ?!?s around it as for some reason I thought it might also be the 21st. Or is that the Generals date for November? Hmmm. Must get more organised. But seeing a Vee has confirmed below that the 17th was in fact the right day (phew!) I will be unleashing the Vee montage on me blog in the next day or so. Be scared. Be, very very scared.


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